
Archive for December, 2010

Wrong decisions?

December 21, 2010 Leave a comment

Doctoral end

An interesting article about Ph.D. degrees and some analysis about it. It scares me a little bit, it contains some things that I already knew, others I just realized now. And again, more information that supports that academia is the same as politics. I’m more afraid than before… 😕

Some quotes that marked me:

You know you are a graduate student, goes one quip, when your office is better decorated than your home and you have a favourite flavour of instant noodle.

PhDs in maths and computing, social sciences and languages earn no more than those with master’s degrees.

Monica Harris, a professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, is a rare exception. She believes that too many PhDs are being produced, and has stopped admitting them.

Online Poll

December 4, 2010 Leave a comment

I’m testing a new enhancement algorithm, and the changes that a human can perceive in a picture. For that I create this poll that presents different pictures and I ask you to pick the best one. If you have time and can help I would appreciate it.

The poll continues for ever. Even if you see repeated pictures they are different so please vote again, as it is the first time you look at them. So once you are tired of seeing the pictures just close it. :mrgreen:

Thanks for those who would help.